Homeless people in Barwon are under the age of 18.
Homeless in Barwon are sleeping rough in tents, cares and other improvised dwellings
Increase in people who accessed homelessness services in Barwon
100 businesses donating $100 per month –
that’s all it takes to make a difference.
By making a 100% tax deductible donation of $100 each month, your business can help the Lazarus Community Centre undertake a much needed facility renovation so they can continue to provide warm meals, hot showers and a place for disadvantaged residents to seek support.
What we do
The Lazarus Centre is a place for people to feel safe and welcome.
Somewhere where they can take a shower, wash and dry their clothes, have a light lunch, participate in activities, meet with volunteers and receive support from specialist homelessness staff.
All people are welcome whether they are homeless or not.
Why we help?
Watch Lee’s Story.